#2 at West Hampton went well this Sunday. Steve DeGaray made
it out for the first time this year in his #1 Pennzoil Winston
Cup look-a-like. Other then a few minor bugs to work out the
car and DeGaray ran well. Taking down the feature wins would
be Steve Degaray in the adult class and Joseph Burns in the
#53 John's Auto Repair Pontiac in the Junior class.
The Long Island Mini Cups
brought out a few other people at the track that are very
interested in getting involved. One other car is on order and
possibly a second being ordered in a week or so.
The Long Island Mini Cups
future is looking bright as the car count is coming up slowly,
but at least the potential for growth is there.
However, the minicups still
can use your help. The hope behind the minicups was to
create a racing organization with a level playing field for
all on Long Island. However, without support, this dream
may fade and disappear. For more information on how you
can get involved with the minicups, visit www.liminicup.com
. Don't hesitate as the future of the Long Island Mini
Cup Association is in your hands.
Adult Class:
1. #1 Steve DeGaray
2. #88 John Burns
Junior Class:
1. #53 Joseph Burns
Adult Class:
1. #1 Steve DeGaray 215
1. #88 Bryan Johnson 215
3. #88 John Burns 205
Junior Class:
1. #53 Joseph Burns 430
John Burns/LIMCA
Posted: June 10, 2003