



After a late start, a rain delay and a power failure, the 100-lap NEETS event that was scheduled to take place at Accord speedway was told to go home. The 22 cars were in the line up area with motors running waiting for the final 6 laps of the prior 358 Modified feature to click off when Accord speedway promoter Gary Palmer called Billy Bartley to the tower and gave him the bad news. The township had called him and told him to cease the races or risk arrest.
  "Operating a racetrack myself, I understand about neighbors and complaints, it is the racers I feel for," says Billy B, "Most of my members towed 3 to 4 hours, waited 13 hours to race and then were told to go home. I will look at each race more closely now to make sure they don't put my members through this same situation in the future."

Now for the good news. Our next event will be at Wall Township Speedway along the Jersey Shore on Sunday, July 13th, with a 150-lap Big Car Enduro and a 100-lap 4-cylinder car/truck Enduro. The high banked, super fast asphalt 1/3 mile will prove to be one of the best races on the tour. A great show and a good car count is expected by all the responses to this Enduro date. Wall's Race Director, Sergio Benitez has told us that they have been inundated with phone calls about the race and have many pre-paid admissions for that day.

This is the second NEETS scheduled event of two dates at Wall. The first one was rained out with a make up rain date of August 17th with both the Big Cars and the 4-cylinders.

The next event after Wall Township on the NEETS tour will be the newly paved 1/2 mile asphalt track at Tioga speedway in Owego,NY.

Sources:  NEETS PR
Posted:  July 8, 2003


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