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Large Turnout for Second Late Model Meeting
by Tracy Chirico

Drivers and other interested parties met at the America Legion hall in Riverhead last night, marking the second time the group has met collectively. Once again, many came out in hopes of discussing and presenting ideas aimed at improving the division as a whole. A total of 19 different teams were represented at the gathering. Riverhead Raceway Co-Chief Stewards Mike Cappiello and Jim Maggio, as well as Head Technical Inspector Walter Boncyzk and new official Paul Dodorico, were on hand to address some of the issues raised by the group at the last meeting, as well as to answer any new questions that have arisen.

The meeting began with a brief welcome from Roger Oxee, who then turned the floor over to the officials. Paul Dodorico was introduced as a new member of the officiating staff. Officials then addressed some of the points brought to them by the group that met previously. Among the announcements made were that there would be no tire management rule implemented, and teams would continue to be allowed to purchase tires as they have in previous years. Officials also brought up the fact that there are expected to be some changes in the pit area during the coming season, as they are going to attempt to group divisions together in terms of pitting. It is expected that this will be further discussed with each of the divisions at the competitors' informational meetings on January 27th. After some discussion, it was also determined that there would be no spec head option, an idea that had been discussed at the first meeting. Several other ideas and issues were discussed, and all in attendance were allowed to voice opinions and raise key points.

All in all, the turnout was good, and it is hoped that the overwhelming turnout and interest seen at both meetings will equate to improved competition among all once the 2008 racing season begins.

Update (January 13th, 11:26 a.m.):  I have spoken to Co-Chief Steward Mike Cappiello, and he has informed me that there will be no major changes to pit parking policies in 2008. He and Jim Maggio have discussed the issue, and have decided that the policy will remain essentially "as is" for the coming season. It is stressed, however, that whatever procedural changes, etc., that are going to be implemented for 2008 will be discussed at the competitors' informational meetings on January 27th; all teams are encouraged to attend or send a representative.  The schedule for the day can be found here:  http://www.longislandjam.com/news/2008/newsmain/news010408b.htm.

Source:  Tracy Chirico/LongIslandJam.com
Posted:  January 12, 2008



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