


A N3 Long Island Racing League is generating interest...

The Long Island Jam has been hearing from many who are interested in N3 Online Racing. The Long Island Jam has a sim section in the plans and need some input from you folks.

    For those who don't know what N3 is, N3, also known as NASCAR Racing 3, is a computer game which known for its realism in every aspect from setups to paint schemes to tracks, etc.  Online Racing is basically racing against fellow computer racers live over the internet.

    The Long Island Jam is thinking of creating a N3 section for The Long Island Jam as well as a racing league for Long Island Sim racers.  We would also feature race cars & trucks with paint schemes such as that of the ones at Riverhead (good example of a paint scheme is at ).  Other plans would feature a Riverhead Raceway race track plus other local tracks as well.  However, The Long Island Jam needs to hear from the racing community.  This is another huge undertaking and we need some support.  Interested racers please contact us at  If The Long Island Jam generates at least 20 racers the sim section will be a go...  More to come soon...

Source:  Long Island Jam
Posted:  April 21, 2000

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